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Yet another very important team selection proposal

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:45 pm
by fran
Common procedure has it that the admin first decides how many teams there are in a game and then the players that signed on are distributed on teams by whomever/whatever.
I propose as an alternative procedure to first decide on team size. Everybody that wants to take part in that game has to assemble a team and apply for participation. For example 5 could be a reasonable number.
The number of teams doesn't matter, important is that the team-mates know each other at least partly and want to play with each other. That is what a team is all about.
If there are players that want to take part but have no team, the admin can do 2 things, but that should be
He can distribute new players on the existing teams, bringing the number to 6 for example, if the particular team agrees.
Or he can form new teams. But I think this shouldn't happen.
Because the purpose of this is to break the "I don't care with whom I play if I play and how long I play" attitude
that is connected with the current sign-on policy on longturn.
People don't talk coming, don't talk playing and don't talk leaving. That has nothing to do with team game.
In a nutshell:
Only allow small-sized pre-assembled teams to sign on for a team game.
Don't care how many teams there are in the end.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:23 pm
by Corbeau

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:29 pm
by Wahazar
Fran's idea about team size is very good and very important.
First of all, large teams are hard to maintain, and some players have unfair positions surrounded by other teammates - of course it is safe ground but with no perspectives. 5 seems to be optimal number, also from the technology point of view.
Secondly, it will be clear, who is the team captain.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:52 pm
by Hans_Lemurson
Wahazar wrote:Fran's idea about team size is very good and very important.
First of all, large teams are hard to maintain, and some players have unfair positions surrounded by other teammates - of course it is safe ground but with no perspectives. 5 seems to be optimal number, also from the technology point of view.
Secondly, it will be clear, who is the team captain.
Yes, clear Team-Captains is essential!

Fran's and Corbeau's ideas should combine well.