Starting date?

Finished (teamless)
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Starting date?

Post by Corbeau »

So, can we talk about February 1st? Remember what I said about calender? Most important thing to get more people being regularity and reliability? The ruleset doesn't have to be revolutionary, maybe just take LT40 with some minor changes?

I don't think the "gameload" (time needed for people to play per day) would be significantly bigger because in the first month nothing much happens anyway.

I would simply propose a few changes to LT40:

1. A bit looser limit to empire size: base sizes can remain the same, but increase step to, say, 5

2. Corruption-by-distance. At start, increase 4x compared to LT40. BUT, discovering Monarchy cuts it in half and discovering Republic cuts it to a quarter, bringing it back to LT40 level. Goal: less early rush to reserve territory.

3. Ok, maybe switch tech to "Experimental", There was a calculation done somewhere and it turns out that the first 3-4 techs are a bit cheaper compared to classic and then they get more and more expensive. I'd also like to see diplomats and spies getting cheaper, but it's not a must.

Just checking, someone posted a "patch" in Freeciv forum, making multiple Diplomats able to steal techs from the same city. Has this been implemented?

So, cut the small talk and let's play? We've been inventive enough at LT39 and LT40, we've cleared the path, let's take a while to enjoy the scenery.
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Post by wieder »

I think that LT41 is going to be a traditional game since we still have not that much experience from LT40 and also because I know there are some people missing who might enjoy a game more focused on war. Also that LT39 actually started earlier than LT40 so it might be the turn for a traditional one. Yeah, 2 minutes before LT40 but anyway :)

Another thing is that more traditional games need even less modifications and I would like to properly test some of the empire size related stuff for the next more experimental game. I'll make a post of the stuff I wrote on discord about early growth.

I was thinking about the first full week of February and early in the week. Not that many people want to start on weekends.

If there are no problems the game could start around February 5th or 6th.

Btw: usually no need to tell a Finn to cut the small talk. We rarely do that even while someone was suggesting a school for learning small talk :)
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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Post by Corbeau »

Actually, all you need for "more focus on war" is to extend the empire size limit. What else would you need?

One more thing I'm interested is, do you plan to have "allied victory"?

About "Finn small talk"... here:

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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am

Post by wieder »

I guess the empire sizes are the one thing that would turn the game into a war opera. And of course having less land would encourage that.

If LT41 is going to be a more traditional game it would probably be very similar to LT39. Allied victory and pretty much the same ruleset. With islands maybe no attacking from the ocean with the swordsmen but the rest would be like it's on LT39.

Oh.. and you could still attack from the sea if you use triremes and rivers for entering the land :)

Really nice Finnish small talk stuff there. That's not too far from the reality :D
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