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3050 BCE Herodotus reports on the most ADVANCED Civilizations in the W

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:58 pm
by wieder
The reports from T20.

3050 BCE Herodotus reports on the most ADVANCED Civilizations in the World.

1: The Supreme Ainu
2: The Supreme Slavs
3: The Supreme Yakuts
4: The Great East Germans
5: The Great Byzantines
6: The Great Ohlone
7: The Great Poles
8: The Great Chananeans
9: The Distinguished Romans
10: The Distinguished Catalans
11: The Distinguished Britons
12: The Distinguished Antarcticans
13: The Distinguished Sami
14: The Distinguished Asturians
15: The Distinguished Comanches
16: The Distinguished Vikings
17: The Distinguished Zimbabweans
18: The Distinguished Filipinos
19: The Valueless Palatinate Germans
20: The Valueless Lebanese
21: The Valueless Manchus
22: The Valueless Confederates
23: The Valueless Seminoles
24: The Wretched Spanish

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:18 pm
by munk
wieder wrote:The reports from T20.

3050 BCE Herodotus reports on the most ADVANCED Civilizations in the World.

22: The Valueless Confederates
Suck it, Herodotus! :D

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:50 pm
by Corbeau
Well, they do say that a large part of what Herodotus wrote as "history" was a pack of lies and gossip anyway...

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 8:38 am
by Mooreinstore
Not really. You'd be surprised by how much of Herodotus' work has been backed up by archaeology.