The first version of the LT38 ruleset is on git

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The first version of the LT38 ruleset is on git

Post by wieder »

It's not tested. Just some of the new values are there. Comments are welcome.

Click the link to see a summary of the current changes. More changes may be done in the future. Also, if something is broken that will be fixed.
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Post by fran »

Mountain vision 12, fortress vision 25.
Does this mean what I think it means, 12 tiles where it's now 4 and 25 tiles where it's now 8?
If so, why should a fort give better vision than a city?
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Post by wieder »

Warriors have a vision of 18 and a destroyers a vision of 72. The base vision for cities when the game starts is 5.

The actual vision is a square root of that number. Weird, actually.

I haven't tested it yet but a fort on a mountain should give a vision of sqr(25+11) = about 6. Unless I misunderstood it. Anyway, this has not been tested yet. The final values may be changed.
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Post by sokrat »


I have some troubles to local play with the LT38 settings. Here is what I have done :
1. I installed the last freeciv version 2.5.7 package for Windows.
2. from GIT, I copied the LT37 and LT38 folder into C:\Program Files\Freeciv-2.5.7-gtk2\data
3. I copied the LT37.serv and LT38.serv files there too

/rulesetdir LT37 -> OK
/rulesetdir LT38 -> KO

sokrat: 'rulesetdir LT38'
Invalid requirement Building | Player | | | Mausoleum of Mausolos: bad type or name
"data/LT38/effects.ruleset" [effect_mausoleum_of_mausolos] has invalid or unknown req: "Building" "Mausoleum of Mausolos".

It seems the Mausoleum is lacking in the buiding.ruleset of LT38.

Am i missing something in my installation ?
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Post by wieder »


The LT38 ruleset has not yet been tested even once and it's probable that there are errors preventing it from working. It was published on git as a preview. I'll try to fix the issues next week. Meanwhile you may test with LT37 ruleset.

Mausoleum was removed from the game and it looks like the removal was not properly done.
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Post by sokrat »

I didn't know about that so I added it back in the building ruleset, and so far, it runs smoothly.

The biggest innovation since my last LT game seems to me that milits can't use roads in a foreign land.
I guess this will be the same with railroads. Do you confirm ?

This would mean no more "Oh sh..., my whole empire has been overwhelmed during the night", which is what happened in every game I lost (meaning every game I played...)
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Post by wieder »

There is also a new version available on git, without the buildings. Some changes will be made to LT38 ruleset, but most of it should remain as it is. I'll make a post about the updates.

Yes, restrictinfra has been turned on for both roads, rails and maglev. The enemy units will act like there are no roads while they move on your lands.

Your nation can still be wiped out in one turn but this will probably happen only later in the game. Most likely not with earloy or mid game units.

I think your nation survived LT31 :) There should be an animation about the outcome on LT31 forum.
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Post by wieder »

Updated the ruleset on git. Looks like the ruleset dir was wrong.

oops :)

Now there is a big change to vision. Land units will have much better vision with mountains. The also get additional vision with astronomy + fort. This is also cumulative so that you really see far away with a fort on a mountain.
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