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End of NAP, end of game?

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:20 am
by pipo
I am not certain that I will be able to login next turn.
That is why I am expressing myself here.

Edrim, I thought we had a NAP until T100. Didn't you just confirmed that to
me on the chat window a few turns ago?

I am not sure what was your point of getting my last city. I will assume that
you wanted to render a service to me. Assuming yourself, that I wanted to
stop playing and finishing me quickly.

I know that communicating is not your strong point, but you could have concerted
with me first. My own policy on this is to only help people that have asked me.

So I take it, that the other players in our alliance are not obligated
to respect our NAP anymore.

Would you like to tell me why do you think that this game will no go past T100?

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:02 pm
by cgalik
edrim? :(

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 3:52 pm
by edrim
Sorry man,
this game is bugged, you have been split, so i took one british city, after that i went to get another, i saw a british flag so i took it. I am 100% sure it was british flag. I didnt want to break NAP but once it is done it is done.
Sorry again.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:53 pm
by pipo
Not a problem.
I tought it could be something like that.
Sort of the same when drew attacked akfaew's destroyer.

You will have to do something about those flags mistakes...

Happy game!

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:36 pm
by edrim
pipo wrote:You will have to do something about those flags mistakes...
I think it is because of massive of players, those 15 minutes lags and flag mistackes, to many traffic can be corrupted, I am not a programmer.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 1:13 pm
by cgalik
edrim, I expect something in compensation for attacking a capital during a NAP, the resulted in killing a player on our team. Any proposals?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:15 pm
by edrim
akfaew wrote:Traffic doesn't get corrupt.
I don't care, something is broken with flags.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:25 pm
by edrim
cgalik wrote:edrim, I expect something in compensation for attacking a capital during a NAP, the resulted in killing a player on our team. Any proposals?
Do you really want to talk about breaking NAP? And payments because of it?
What is a difference in broking NAP if someone attack with success and without success?
Can I attack your units in NAP and lost? Saying, ok nice, you got upgrade in veteran levels.
I can pay this player I attacked, but sadly he had only one city, how is it come?
Now it is a game of dirty tricks, I hope you will not write everything we are using in bad way once you are doing same.

At last:
pipo wrote: So I take it, that the other players in our alliance are not obligated to respect our NAP anymore.
For me it is clear, NAP is over because of me. Do you want to add anything?
NAP was broken so many times from your side that I don't care about it anymore.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:16 pm
by Drew
Edrim, can you please list the ways in which we broke the NAP? I'll list the ways in which I've infringed upon it, and feel free to add anything else we might have done.

- My trireme spent two turns on a fish tile near your city Shindand. I was monitoring your canal-building progress and didn't realize it was a fish tile until you told me.
- The next turn I accidentally let the same trireme run out of moves on another fish tile near your city Chaman.
- My city Hands on the Wheel was built 8 tiles away from your city Shindand. I did not think to count the tiles, since this was on a small island ([118]) that I already completely controlled.
- I attacked Akfaew's destroyer. I had been attacking Xercise destroyers in previous turns and it was just a trigger reaction to attack Akfaew's destroyer, thinking it would otherwise be sinking my allies' boats full of caravans . After realizing that Akfaew was covered by the NAP (while Xercise is not) I was thankful that my destroyer lost the attack. If mine had won I would have gladly paid a hefty sum of gold to Akfaew, but seeing as how it benefit him more than me, I did not propose any gold transfer and neither did Akfaew.
- I transformed an ocean to a swamp in one of your city tiles. It was going to be an effort to rejoin our islands but I gave it up after you protested and the transform ended up becoming inconsequential.

I think also that Kocurek and Bamskamp each founded a city within 8 tiles of yours or one of your ally's cities. In Kocurek's case I don't know if he could even see your city when he founded his, since 8 tiles is well out of the vision range of a settler. These are all the infractions I can recall. If you had serious problems with these infractions, why did you not demand some sort of restitution? We would have been willing to work with you. Are there any more infractions here that I missed or did you decide that this was enough to break the NAP and start taking our cities? You have now taken three cities from our alliance (one from Pipo and two from Kocurek).

For restitution on taking Pipo's city, we would simply like you to empty it so that I can take it back. I think this is fair.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:36 pm
by Drew
Edrim wrote:

At last:
pipo wrote:
So I take it, that the other players in our alliance are not obligated to respect our NAP anymore.
For me it is clear, NAP is over because of me.
Did you read this as Pipo declaring the end of the NAP? I don't think this was his intention. Even if it was his intention, he doesn't have that authority... he doesn't even have an alive nation! How can you end the NAP based on something said by a dead nation??

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:52 pm
by edrim
If you want to write in global, ok.
Please talk to Pipo, what was talking about our NAP.
But maybe it will be faster if Iw ill wrote:
NAP has two clausles:
-Left 8 tiles between any city of NAP allies building.
-Do not attack each other.

Everytime I was buildig a city closer then 8 tiles, i have asked for permittion, if I didnt know there is a city existed, I was asking for permttion.
After first time I have asked we hav edecided it is good tradiotion for our NAP to ask if we are not sure about it if anybody can place a city.
Thats why i always send an explorer or alpine to check if anything is closer then 8 tiles.
I have been talking with Kocurek too, and siad to him that i will restrictly treat our NAP when he is going to [65], but he broke it.
Two Bamskamp cities has only 5 tiles between, didnt he see border once he built them? He should close his eyes for it.
Ok, it was about first clause, now second:
What is a difference in "Non attacking each other" when you attack and die and attack and win? For me, none.

It was your breaking NAP points, do you have ours? No because we didn't broke NAP, since I did fatal mistacke.
Drew wrote: Did you read this as Pipo declaring the end of the NAP?
Everybody in our alliance took it as it was. When he didn't has alive nation and wasn't part of your ally what is exactly time I broke nap?
It is ok to attack when fail, so if I attack to fail, it was ok. But a dot time after my attack was success he was not part of NAP and was not obligated to say a word. Are we talking about this tick of time, shorter then a 1/100 sec?
Cgalik wrote something after him, and he wasn't object Pipos words.