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LW3b Winning Topic

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:15 pm
by Lord_P
Ok, it is turn 136 and LW3b has not reached a conclusive victory, but I will make a winning post anyway.
Despite a major push to eliminate players within the time constraint only 3 where annihilated. The three players that top the demographics and scores are the same 3 players as when the time limit was declared. The same players would have won if the game was allowed to continue to its natural conclusion.

So, based on the objective measure of score, demographics and aggressive involvement in the elimination of other players I declare there to be 3 winners. They are;
Paavo, Soon and Lord_P. - scoring 2 points

There are 3 Survivors; Chill, Ankka8x and Nicemicro. - scoring 1 point

There are 3 eliminated players; Maho, El_p and Wwqt. - scoring 0 points

Of course, because there is no time to eliminate rebels, any one of the survivors can dispute this claim and we all just score 1 point for surviving...
So to Chill, Ankka and Nicemicro, I invite you to accept this winning claim. Why? Because I think it is fair, it will cost you nothing, and good relationships last longer than one game in LT :)
If you are not happy with the result, we also still have 7 turns to negotiate.

So in the style of Alpha Centauri; "Can I count on your support in the upcoming UN elections?"

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:32 am
by chill
I accept Lord_P's winning claim. Thanks to all for the good game!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:03 am
by edrim
According to rules:
  • Player or alliance can win a game, there is no possibility to win a game in some kind of bazaar or poll (who wants to win because there are some free places?). If you are not ally in turn ending a game you are not able to win together.
  • Alliance need to make victory claiming post on forum, each person in the alliance must confirm this post, except players that are on vacations, in this case delegated player can accept victory.
  • All non RIP players need to have a city at end of a game, players with settler/worker/explorer/partisan only will be treated as RIP and cannot get any major points.
  • Survivor - if exist, survivor need to make a defeat post within 7 turns from claiming victory post (if victory post was set in Turn x defeat posts need to be posted within Turn x+7), then he will be treated as survivor, and get a major point to his account.
  • “Rebel” - rebel can say that he is not agree with claiming victory by his enemies, if rebel will not do it in 7 turns in forum he will be treated as RIP player and not gain any major points, if rebel defise the victory post, winning alliance need to destroy all “rebel” cities to end the game (t+37).

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:08 am
by Lord_P
Well... It was worth a try :)
Its turned out to be more difficult than expected to get everyone to ally and end the game lol

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:08 am
by paavo
I would say that 6 survivors, or is there other choices?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:02 am
by edrim
There is no posts about winning accepting or rebel:(
I dont know what to do, should I check by myself what is going on?
Did you fix your ally status in winning team?

I think it will stay as a draw, and 6 players if alive will get one point.