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LT35 game settings and winning conditions

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:47 pm
by wieder
To play LT35 you will need to use Freeciv 2.3 because the server is 2.3 and you can't connect with Freeciv 2.4, 2.2 or 2.5. Installing 2.3 doesn't prevent you from using some other version. At least not on Windows.

Once you have downloaded and installed 2.3 (I'm using 2.3.4 on Windows) you will need to click "Connect to Network Game" and there enter as host and 5035 on the port. The first turn will be at least 3*23h. There will be another post made once the actual game has started.

Here you have the winning conditions and the changes to the rules. This is not a complete list of the rules. Please check the game help for details or browse the ruleset on github.

All the stuff on Git:

The files there contain everything that has been configured. As with every game, there may be some bugs or features we are not aware at the moment.


From the LT rules:

A team game can be won by only one team by either:

Military defeat of all other teams.
Winning the space race (if enabled).
Surrender - all other live players have surrendered.
Another condition, agreed upon before the game started.

Specific to LT35:

Only living nations can win the game. Only players from one team can win the game.

- The winning team must make a winning post. It can be made by any player from the winning team.
- If there are living players from the other team and the winning post was made, they must surrended by replying with a message beginning with a line "I accept defeat on LT35 and will not claim victory." The message may contain more lines. The game will continue untill all the living players from the opposing team have posted this message.
- The game is won if all the players from the opposing team are destroyed
- The game is won by the team who manages to get the space ship to the target
- If more than one ship reach the target at the same turn, the game server will select the winner
- If the game server (for some reason) dedices that a ship from both teams reach the target at the same turn, the game is a tie
- The game will be a tie if all players resign or the game can't be continued for 90 days
- If a team member is idle/delegated for more than 14 turns in a row or 40 turns in total turns, the admin(s) can choose to replace that player with a new one. This can be avoided with a valid (!!) explanation. The basic idea is to avoid players going idle after the first few rules and remain delegated for the rest of the game.

A summary of the changes in comparison to LT34:

LT35: No tech leakage
LT35: Team pooled research = enabled
LT35: Sciencebox = 600
LT35: Techlost receiver = 95 (Just a 5% chance to succeed + remember the 40% base chance for spies and diplomats! :)
LT35: Techpenalty 0
LT35: Random placement for teams meaning that the team members are probably not next to each other
LT35: No pooled research for teams
LT35: Stealth Fighters can be upgraded to Fusion Stealth Fighters
LT35: All fighters now have less moves
LT35: Diplomacy allowed only for the team members (basically just gold trading with a cost of 25%)
LT35: Changed the start units: 4 settlers, 3 workers and no explorer
LT35: Changed the granaries to give 50% food for all city sizes
LT35: Fusion units will require all the techs
LT35: Darwin's voyage costs 300 instead of 1500
LT35: Added 3 fusion based units (Fusion armor, fighter and battleship)
LT35: Carrier will have firepower of 2 instead of 1
LT35: Submarine will cost 50 instead of 70
LT35: Battleship will have a firepower of 2
LT35: Aegis cruiser will cost 75
LT35: Cruiser will cost 65
LT35: Destroyer will cost 60 instead of 70
LT35: Ironclad will cost 50 instead of 70
LT35: Frigate will cost 40 instead of 50
LT35: Galleon will cost 40
LT35: Caravel will cost 30 instead of 50
LT35: Trireme will cost 20 instead of 30
LT35: Catapult will cost 30 instead of 40
LT35: Oasis will give 4 trade
LT35: Big Siege units can now move without roads on some terrain types
LT35: Catapults and cannons are now capturable
LT35: Armor will have a firepower of 2
LT35: Knights will cost 25 instead of 40
LT35: Crusaders will cost 25
LT35: Elephants will cost 20 instead of 25
LT35: Chariots will cost 20 instead of 30
LT35: Musketeers will no longer be able to attack from the sea
LT35: Pikemen will cost 25 instead of 30
LT35: Swordsmen cost 30 instead of 40 and obsoletes with riflemen
LT35: An archer costs 25 instead of 30 and must obey ZOC
LT35: A phalanx costs 15 instead of 20
LT35: Engineers are no longer capturable
LT35: Settlers are no longer capturable
LT35: New Great Wonder: Trade Company
LT35: Marco Polo's Embassy gives 30% boost for everyone, costs less
LT35: Magellan's Expedition costs 300 instead of 800
LT35: Parts for the space ship cost less …
LT35: A market will cost 50 instead of 60
LT35: Factory will cost 100 instead of 140
LT35: Coastal defense will cost 30 instead of 40
LT35: Aqueduct will cost 40 instead of 60 but will have upkeep of 3
LT35: Academy will cost 30 instead of 60
LT35: Map generator = fractal
LT35: Citymindist = 4 instead of 5
LT35: Barracks I costing 60 instead of 30
LT35: Ships no longer can ignore ZoC or will slow down if damaged
LT35: Elite units will gain even more moves.
LT35: It's now much more probable to get promotions through combat …
LT35: The Lighthouse is now obsoleted with invention and gives 3 extra moves
LT35: Fixed the time it takes to mine or terraform some terrain types
LT35: Changed city size 1 foodbox from 20 to 10
LT35: Based on LT34

The changes for LT34 can be found from this thread.

It's a good idea to ask on the forum if there are some questions or ask from your team. Always keep the teach chat check box checked to avoid leaks. Team chats can't be seen by enemy players. Also, browse the game help. It should be up to date. Checking the help usually pays off.

Good luck with LT35 and please report how it ended up. That information will be valuable for planning LT36.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:34 am
by cgalik
I don't think the ship ZoC was working. So ships can boat around without issue.
And to be clear boats do NOT slow down when damaged.
Thanks, Wieder!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:23 am
by cgalik
Wieder, restrict enemy infrastructure is on? Shoot, that really slows down the game. I'd much rather have that on.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:09 pm
by Lord_P
Yes, but youve managed to find a way around that now! (Building pre-forts claim territory just before TC then attacking just after)

Wieder, for LT36 please can you make only full fortresses change the territory/owner of the tile?
I dont mind a faster game, refstrict infra off would be no problem, but anything that encourages turn change strategies means having to be online at that time and playing RTS to counter them :(

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:34 pm
by wieder
Yeah, it's a good idea to disallow the pre-forts to change the ownership of a tile.

I'll have to check how to do that.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:06 am
by taulover
wieder wrote:Yeah, it's a good idea to disallow the pre-forts to change the ownership of a tile.

I'll have to check how to do that.
Wasn't one of the original points of the prefort to allow allies to take tiles from you to work on?