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No mention of making trade routes in help for Caravans

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:42 am
by Grendel
Like subject says. Help says they just help build wonders. Apparently only making trade routes within your own civ works. Probably almost everybody knew this already. =)

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:41 am
by kevin551
You seem to have found another bug.
In theory trade routes are not possible. The "TradeRoute" flag has been removed from caravan and freight in the units.ruleset.
I have no trade routes. I cannot make any trade routes.
When I move a freight into a new city it does not offer the option to add a trade route.

(In earlier turns with caravans and the GTK client I did get an option to make trade routes but nothing happened if I pushed it.)