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7 city challenge - quick scenario game for version 2.5
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:26 pm
by kevin551
From an earlier thread -
akfaew wrote:Instead of the usual experimental game, perhaps we can have a quick and rapid scenario game, where each player gets 7 settlers and cannot build more. Science would be cut short accordingly. Note that having 7 and not 4 settlers will greatly increase game speed. City radius can be increased further, to make cities even more valuable. Defences of cities of size greater than 16 can be increased.
I am happy to put together such a ruleset and admin a small scenario game like this. I intend this to be fast ~ 3 or 4 months, and to have a spaceship win condition, no teams or big alliances. No cities can be captured / incited . just destroyed. Every player get 1 free tech each turn regardless of science. No other method of getting tech.
The aim is to quickly go through the entire tech tree and test the latter stage military units. Everyone gets to the end of the tech tree at the same turn, everyone launches a spaceship and then all hell breaks loose as everyone tries to destroy each others cities before any spaceship lands.
Is anyone interested?
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:03 pm
by maho
I would love to play such game. However - I'm afraid that 7 cities is too small economy to build advanced army ....
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:14 am
by kevin551
maho wrote:I would love to play such game. However - I'm afraid that 7 cities is too small economy to build advanced army ....
Those 7 cities would have to provide an economy to build both a spaceship and an advanced army. Assuming we set rapturedelay to 1 and increase the city radius then it should easily be possible to get size 60+ cities with all improvements. Each city like this should have the capacity to build 3 good units each turn.
It is not intended to be an intense game which takes hours each turn to micromanage. Having 100s of units to fight with each turn takes way too long. Similarly micromanaging dozens of cities in the end game is overly time consuming. I think spies should only be available at the very end of the game because defending against the threat of city poisoning or sabotage is also too time consuming.
I am still burnt out from the intensity of LT32 and am looking forward to a game where you only need to play for 5 minutes each day but can still look forward to being in the thick of the action at the end.
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:34 am
by edrim
kevin551 wrote: and am looking forward to a game where you only need to play for 5 minutes each day but can still look forward to being in the thick of the action at the end.
Check LW next time, we have such a small maps you dont need to spend more then 5-10 minutes a day to manage your nation. 10 players games means low city number and very strategic decisions.
Next LW will be probably 10 (or 7) settlers game, so maybe we could use your ruleset to play LW4.
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:52 pm
by kevin551
According to freeciv-dev the release of 2.5 will be in a few weeks. I would like to start this game a week or two after that.
Attempt to release 2.5.0-RC1 next weekend (21/22 Feb).
Earliest possible 2.5.0 is 28 Feb. (So technically we could hit
advertised February release, but March is more likely.)
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:10 am
by kevin551
Getting closer to game time. Release Candidate 1 of version 2.5 is now out. I expect rc2 to be next week and then the final version in 2 weeks.
Am suggesting a start date for LTex25 soon after 21st March.
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:58 am
by maho
Why not soon after today? Can't we start with RC1
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:37 am
by kevin551
I'd prefer to start with the graphics we need actually included in the tileset from the start.
For example the maglev graphic will be released in the upcoming rc2
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:49 pm
by kevin551
Release Candidate 2 of version 2.5 is now out. It has maglev graphics. It also has new graphics for the pre-fortress base (renamed to Outpost).
I have added these changes to the LTex25 ruleset and hope to upload a test ruleset soon.
No need to wait any longer.
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:49 pm
by wieder
Sounds interesting, but I'll probably have to skip this game since I have very little time for playing during the Summer.
Was the ruleset already uploaded somewhere? I didn't see it on git.
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:20 pm
by kevin551
Hi - sorry for delay have been busy the last two weeks.
Have just tested my ruleset - it works.
The game will be fast. - 75 turns to complete the tech tree and 8 turns for the spaceship to travel.
If we start soon then the game will be finished before the summer holidays.
Will fully discuss the ruleset tomorrow.
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:38 am
by wieder
Have you already uploaded the ruleset somewhere?