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Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:20 am
by evan
Hi admins,
can you guys bring the polls back for LT34, seeing as there are lots of new players.
Discussions regarding internal consistency of game ruleset can run simultaneously.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:39 am
by wieder
The problem with the polls is that people vote without really understanding what some change will mean to the gameplay. It would be much better if people would propose something and then explain shortly why it should be like that. In replies it would be nice to know why it shouldn't be the way something was proposed.

There are lots of changes listed on Trello.

You can also comment those things here if you really don't want to comment there. You can also comment on goals the rule changes should have. This in the case you have an idea what should be done but you don't know how. For example if you wanted to have more/less early wars or perhaps a more/less important role for the sea units, you can propose that and explain why it should be like that. Someone else may be able to figure out how to do that.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:10 pm
by sandain
I don't know if the changes to siege units in LT33 were intentional, but further discussion for the next game is in order:
* siege units come out green with barracks, they are not upgraded as expected.
* siege units can only travel on roads, whereas LT32 they only required roads in swamps and jungles (perhaps moutains too, didn't test)

Also, spys in LT32 did not have the same behavior as diplomats and is probably the same in LT33 (I don't have the tech to test)
* diplomats could do their thing from a boat, spys could not

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:27 pm
by Corbeau
wieder wrote:The problem with the polls is that people vote without really understanding what some change will mean to the gameplay. It would be much better if people would propose something and then explain shortly why it should be like that. In replies it would be nice to know why it shouldn't be the way something was proposed.
So... how about people proposing something, explaining, discussing and voting? You are implying that polls exclude the discussion and explanations, but they don't.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:26 am
by wieder
It's quite common that not all the people explain the vote they made. That makes it impossible to know if they actually understood that well what they were voting for.