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Welcoming Greatturn players to LT33

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:03 pm
by kevin551
Am repeating the welcome I made to Greatturn players in the LTex thread here, so that future replies can be placed here.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:09 pm
by kevin551
evan wrote:another GT refugee...
I hope people are wrong about GT being down permanently - to say it's a shame doesn't come close.
I was playing GT11, which was a great scenario XYZ created based on Game of Thrones. Does Longturn have scenarios like this? The chance to play such a different game was a lot of fun, even if it hasn't lasted long. (hopefully just so far)

So I've registered for LT33, and was wondering if anyone has a rough idea about how long it'll probably be before the game starts? How many players are you aiming for? I want to go over the ruleset variations and familiarise myself with the community before it begins. I gather there will be at least a week's notice. Is that correct?

I wonder if the new GT arrivals will be natural allies?
I've read a warning here that LT is more competitive - sounds like the honourable challenge of a worthy opponent...

So is it really just 180 euros that stands in the way of getting GT back up and running? If there's anyone out there who is able to take over the administration I'm sure we can cover your expenses. Speak up before the community disappears. Even just to know that the break is temporary will make all the difference, people will hold on, and help.
Some people are uncomfortable talking about money, which is fine, people are different. But people are also good at different things, which is what makes humans so strong. I simply don't know enough about the hardware or the software to save GT, but I can give money, and I'm sure there are many, many others who would do the same. This game is just too good to let an entire block of experience and community fall away. We all want this game to keep growing and keep getting better, which it is doing, but it doesn't need setbacks - avoidable setbacks. How many people out there will be disillusioned by this and never come back?
The thing that makes freeciv so good is that it's evolved through the playing itself - the players have created the game. Eighteen years and counting. This is remarkable. The balance between the pure strategic elements essential for a game to be worth playing again and again like chess, and the "simulation" of the history of human civilisation has been worked out through the many tens of thousands of games.

This GT crisis has lead to a good thing - that connections are being made between the GT and LT playing communities.
That can only be a good thing.
I too was playing the Game of Thrones scenario because I too like the idea of unusual and different games. Longturn has had a big variety of games but not including scenario games. I hope in the future we can include some. In fact I was hoping to write one based on the ancients ruleset.

A test game for LT33 may be starting as soon as Monday. Good luck

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:12 pm
by evan
you said that a test game for LT33 could start on Monday. What is a test game?

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:24 pm
by Corbeau
About this being a more competitive community, I don't see this as a problem. I'm a peaceful player, but don't mind the occasional pub brawl, even though I have no problem if the whole game went peaceful. Like I said in another place, violent types make the game more interesting; it's all about the ratio between the Builders and the Fighters. If there are a lot of Fighters, the game will become very uninteresting for the Builders and vice versa.

So, all I can say is: bring it on :)

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:33 pm
by Nimrod
I'm still in touch with XYZ, and he's sent me his Africa and Game of Thrones scenarios by email.

Also, I've been in talks with him to make the necessary tweaks to resurrect our World War I scenario. It would be great to bring that one back up and have another go at it. Probably one of my best scenarios, and perhaps we have enough players here to really make it better than ever.

Finally, I'm considering creating a World War II scenario. The only question that I have yet to answer is whether to make it a world-wide conflict on an Earth map, or strictly stick to the European Theatre. Keeping it in Europe would be easy since it could be a simple derivation of the WWI scenario. But to really capture the feel of Global Conflict, it makes more sense to have an Earth map. This means it would take a bit longer to put together, but could still be loads of fun. Stay tuned!

P.S. @ Evan :

It's more than just putting the money together in order to resurrect GT. It's the time and effort required to understand all that code, plus put it all back together in a working fashion. I'd be happy to help anyone who wants to take up the challenge, but there's no way that I could do that with my time commitments at the moment. Simply not possible, unless I win the lottery or something like that :)

As for natural allies, that's possible I suppose. Personally, I'm more of a pragmatist and make strategic decisions in any given game based on geopolitical factors, mostly. However, knowing that there's a nearby player that I've allied with before & worked together well certainly increases the odds of an offer for an alliance :)

You're right about bringing the two communities together, though. I wholeheartedly agree !

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:58 pm
by vidlius
Will the help file be updated while in game to reflect the ruleset being used? Or will we have a text file or write up of some kind to adapt to how this game is setup?

I'm familiar with only the default ruleset and the civ2civ3 ruleset from gt10hex.

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:20 am
by Rango
I also belong to the GT community who is join in LT. I'm glad that you all like-minded, and I believe that the LT be as fun to play as in GT.

Since I joined the GT community just this year, and I do not know many details, I'm interested if I should download some additional files to play in LT or is it enough that I already had for the GT?

Also, as kevin said, if we have to pay some money to restore the GT, I'll be happy to participate.

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:41 am
by Rango
Akfaew thanks!

It would be great to join the GT on LT server, if there is a volunteer.

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:46 pm
by edrim
Rango wrote: Also, as kevin said, if we have to pay some money to restore the GT, I'll be happy to participate.

Ejjo all GT players.

GT was born from LT and now it is over.
I remember a player who said that what is difficult in keeping good and stable machines for playing one day turn freeciv game. He has made GT. For me it was always some kind of more commercial part of LT. I didnt join because i dont have time to get involved for more cummunities. As we see it is not so easy to keep it working and do not feel tired. It is not fine way just to close community because it is mine, but he had right to do it.

As akfaew wrote we are ready to start more games if needed. All GT players could start their own game.

I will write something more in wieder's topics.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:44 pm
by Nimrod
Actually, theGrime has taken over GT from Davide.

He purchased the domain names and has acquired all the files. Discussions are taking place on the Freeciv forums regarding the resurrection of GT.

Stay tuned. Hopefully it will not be a commercial fork, although there may be a need for fundraising drives on occasion (to cover hosting costs).

Personally, I think there may not be enough players to sustain two LT-type communities at once. Perhaps there's a way to keep us all together.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:53 pm
by mmm2
please make update about greatturn and new game announcement. I will join next greatturn game!

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:32 pm
by Nimrod
The most up to date information that I'm aware of can be found on the Freeciv Forums.

Here's a direct link :

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:07 pm
by Lord_P
Nimrod wrote:Personally, I think there may not be enough players to sustain two LT-type communities at once. Perhaps there's a way to keep us all together.
Yes, two versions competing against eachother is a bit silly. Unite the Tribes!
What GT did well was making it more accesible to new players, by always having new games start regularly. The website and login via metaserver where also nice.
LT is good because the games are more serious and there is a lot of work done on the ruleset.
Combining elements of both would be the best thing for attracting new players to LT

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:56 pm
by Corbeau
Yay! A normal forum where you can send PMs! \ :D /

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:18 pm
by Corbeau
...if only I could log in... :rolleyes:

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:44 pm
by ErgoProxy
theGrime wrote:I'm amenable to the idea of combining the two communities in some fashion
Ow-kayy... but you asked for it.

The idea is freshly sucked from a dirty finger and probablly highly impractical, as it would require CODING. But i long for the space race.

Let's assume two games are run simultaneously, one LT and one GT.

Any spaceship launched in a Longturn game, after completing its mission lands somewhere in a Greatturn game - and vice versa, of course. The maximal unit payload of a spaceship has to be calculated somehow, taking into consideration its modules (let's assume even a nuclear missile requires some crew to maintain it, so every unit consume some habitable space or whatnot - this is the simplest rule possible). The landing point is selected by player seeing the whole map from orbit. Any SDI Defence of the visited game can deliver some damage to landing spaceship, proportionally to distance from landing point and honouring map topology. More rules are possible, if needed.

The victory conditions are unclear to me, but I want to stress that one player can produce only one spaceship at a time, so the more players survive, the stronger the invading spacefleet can be - but if too much too weak players survive, the other community should be able to build their spaceships faster.

How about that?

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:49 pm
by Corbeau
Hm, it seems things are happening that we are not aware of. Can you be more specific about what profit and spam you are talking about?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:02 pm
by edrim
Ok, i read "Under new mangement" thread in
I have a vision that we are somehow rude ald old fashioned guys after reading this topic.
Akfaew proposed to GT players and new admins that they can use our server to start next GT game, but you have to bring your settings (rulesets, settings, etc.) and you can start a game on LT machines. After all somebody says that have scenario files of a game or two and nothing happend. We had not bad mind with GT games till GT machines will be ready. But there was any more words about it.

Something to the funcinality of the forum - what do we need for forum to do his work? Make posts, make replays, edit replays. Thats all we need. We dont need secrets forums for conversation about game because nobody will use it in this commnity where there is so much conspiracy and gossips. Nobody will write secrets when there is a chance anybody elese will read it. I know i am going to far with conspiracy.

When your allies prefer to communicate with you on forums you can create it in anywhere on internet, when you want to use googlegroups or ircnet you can establish this way of communication.
When you want to hangout with your friends you can do it. So saying that we have unfunctional forum is ridiculous. We are not using this forum during a game is going on because nobody is reading it, we dont need a forum to say everyday, good job, good job.

In LT forum is using for preparing a game, new ideas before a game, settings checking and talking about it, showing how settings will be in this game. When game has started this discussion are going away because all players go somewhere else to make conspiracy and gossips. After all we are using forums for victory achievment and flame war against winners that they got his win in such a dirty way that nobody did it in the past. After this stage we are starting another topic with another game and nobody remember what was about two games before.

Now about playing a game as a game of freeciv.

Some days, we was in the stage where maybe GT is now. We could left our nation for 2 weeks saying "hello, i am going to vacation, please do not attack me" and nobody attacked this player if he was able to do it. After this glory time, players thinked, why should i left my nation if i can left my password to any ally and he will manage my nation. From this point it was going to more aggressive games, where every trick is possible. Warsaver player joined - show us their dirty tricks, we invented tricks by ourself, every game is special game where someone who invent new settings/ruleset exploit could win.

When any player wants to play just for pleasure not for win he will need to compare his way of playing with people who wants to win in any way, so there is no bad feelings here when you are loosing 3 cities in 7th turn because somebody went horse rush strategy and you left cities open. It is just a game, learn it and do not leave your cities open next time. There is not bad feelings when a player has a vision of conquer a world and kill one by one players in his way to supermacy. It is a fame not shame.

Bad things we are not able to compare with is wolfpacks, when there are players or allies know that they cant win because one ally is doing much better they are group together and try to kill this one ally. Win in this competition against wolfpack is a reason to be in hall of fame. It is not shame to die agains wolfpack. Wolfpack doesnt care who will win, wolfpack only care that enemies will not win, they can die in a row but they will sucrifice for (fake) glory of wolfpack.

As we cannot stand about wolfpacks we only can lough at them.

If you dont know what is wolfpack - some case you can check it:
-you reciving techs your ally doesnt research and probably you dont even know who was researcher
-you can see vision of player you even dont meet on a game far away from your mainland
-you didnt speak with those guys
-armies are going throu your land without asking for premission
-some guys are telling you what to do even you didnt speak with them for whole game

If you can accept some of this sentences you may be in wolfpack, probably you will last to end of a game but you will be treated as a wolfpack mamber of past games.

I dont like wolfpacks because many valuable players have left because of it, they could win because they work very hard for his winning and russian strategy of triple sized alliance destroy theirs work just for fun. If you want me to join to first initial wolfpack of a game please dont, i can be member only when counterattack initial wolfpack.

Wieder wrote something like reputation thread and all other s....

Somebody was hate about that one ally need to kill all rest of a world, it is normal that in a game with 50 players about 40 will die before ends. If you dont accept you may die within a game it is not community for you.

There is a LadderWars games, board are small (about 10-15 people), there is not hate game, to less people to have much hate there. Winning size ally is 3, everything is smaller but fun of playing is still same.

If you still want to use LT servers for GT game you are all welcome, i would like to play GT game and see this peace making community in game:)