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Vacation idle list.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:21 am
by edrim
Please paste here once you are going to be out of a game for more then couple of turns.
If you are going to vacation it is normal that you will need to set delegation.
Please write when you are suppose to back.

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:22 am
by maho
Hmm, you mean that when I go to vacation I should do *both*: write here and do delegation?

Delegation is not enough?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:52 am
by det0r
Deragh has never responded to any of my e-mails. We should consider him an idler (maybe he is on vacation)?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:12 pm
by det0r
ste has delegated to me because he's gone away for a couple of days. If it annoys people that I have two people delegated to me, you could change the delegation of Deragh to mmm2.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:27 pm
by det0r
oh wtf, mmm2 has delegated to me O_o

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:33 am
by Xercise
Hasp93 is on vacation until the 12th or 14th July. Archont has his delegation.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:20 am
by ste
As det0r said, I was away on holidays for one or two turns...

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:45 am
by kevin551
I will be away for the weekend - Wieder is delegating.
Taulover is due back today - if not he is idle for 2 days until I get back.

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:09 pm
by ste
I'll be away for about two turns, delegating to Det0r

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:30 pm
by kevin551
I will be away for the weekend again - Wieder is delegating.

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:55 pm
by Xercise
I will be away from the 2-4 Aug. ifaesfu will take my delegation, while pamplina will take the delegation of our dear idler chuck. Akfaew, I will send you a message regarding delegation of chuck.

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:01 pm
by mmm2
hello akfaew,
i gave tiger delegation for 1 turn. not much was going on that turn - just needed one settler to be built..

i forgot to remove that delegation, but now i have removed it..

as for mmm2 controls deraugh - that is the manual override if you will recall..
similarly most teams have at least one player such as that. i think the rule you made was that there would only be one such manual override delegation per team...

edit: but since then you have given 2 of these manual overrides to edrim's team (we are ok with that - we would rather to have fair game than if edrim was -1 player)...

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:10 pm
by mmm2
Xercise wrote:I will be away from the 2-4 Aug. ifaesfu will take my delegation, while pamplina will take the delegation of our dear idler chuck. Akfaew, I will send you a message regarding delegation of chuck.

was chuck a manual override? if i go on vacation, how can I change delegation of deraugh to other player?? as i recall, it was said before that we wouldn't be changing the manual overrides again - that we would have to do city trading as temporary solution. it would be good if we could manually re-overide, except that adds extra stuff for akfaew and that might be an annoyance for him...

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:39 pm
by edrim
mmm2 wrote:hello akfaew,
i gave tiger delegation for 1 turn. not much was going on that turn - just needed one settler to be built..
So this is not vacation at all.
mmm2 please say which turn you have been away, which turn you didnt login T21? T22? T23?
Are you able to read with understand what you are reading, delegation system is not for giving delegation for couple of hours, you could make your moves in early turn once you have logged in.
Tiger logged in only for TC move, this id forbiden here, delegation is only for vacation, you are not be able on vacation for 9:14 (when you could make your moves) to 21:53 same day for the god sake.
Same like staying online half of a day. You could be online for couple of hours like you are usualy do, so you have gave delegation, this is sick. You are permanently breaking our rules here, even if there is not explicity written what is punishment for breaking rules you should be punish for it.

Didnt you know that you should be stay online about one hour a day not much more?

What rules did you break once we didnt see it yet?

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:55 pm
by mmm2
I just delegated for ONE TURN, I didn't realize that was illegal, where is this rule written? what is the minimum and/or maximum # of days or hours that a player can be delegated for to qualify for "vacation" span of time?

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:03 am
by mrsynical
Why don't you have a chat with your team leader about this?

Do you think it is acceptable to delegate for 1 turn, if I want somebody to help set up a unit ready for an attack while my opponent is asleep?
mmm2 wrote:edrim,
I just delegated for ONE TURN, I didn't realize that was illegal, where is this rule written? what is the minimum and/or maximum # of days or hours that a player can be delegated for to qualify for "vacation" span of time?

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:17 am
by edrim
mmm2 wrote:edrim,
I just delegated for ONE TURN, I didn't realize that was illegal, where is this rule written? what is the minimum and/or maximum # of days or hours that a player can be delegated for to qualify for "vacation" span of time?
This has been written:
rules in longturn www page wrote: Delegations
1. Passwords are secret. Sharing passwords with other players is forbidden.
2. If unable to do his moves, a player should delegate control of his nation.
3. Delegation should occur only when really necessary, and canceled as soon as the player is able to do his moves again.
Where you unable to do your moves in this turn while you have been logged in the morning same turn you gave delegation? Answer is not, so you broke the rules. Once we cought Kryon and someone else (i dont remember) with password sharing this other player where banned from a game. Now we have a team game so it could be punish for whole team, so best way is to cut you of from delegations for all LT32, if you (and tiger) will go to vacation for a week or something someone will set delegation manualy once you will write your vacation post in this topic.

Next time read rules with understanding, even if there is no specyfic punishment for breaking rules, there is punish for breaking, i have faith for it.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:02 am
by mmm2
hello again,

I did have a reason for delegating, and in all 22+ turns this was the only time I delegated - for one turn.. I just made mistake to login at near the end of turn, and this has caused suspicion that I am cheating....

Lesson is, do not login at anytime when there is someone delegated moving your pieces, or you can be accused of cheating even if that's not your intention. Often it is out of curioisity that we login to chat with teammates or to see what is going on. But don't risk it, because under the game rules this can be interpreted as cheating.

I am glad that you and Akfaew are making these games possible - I will follow rules better from now on.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:54 am
by edrim
mmm2 wrote:hello again,

I did have a reason for delegating, and in all 22+ turns this was the only time I delegated - for one turn.. I just made mistake to login at near the end of turn, and this has caused suspicion that I am cheating....

Lesson is, do not login at anytime when there is someone delegated moving your pieces, or you can be accused of cheating even if that's not your intention. Often it is out of curioisity that we login to chat with teammates or to see what is going on. But don't risk it, because under the game rules this can be interpreted as cheating.

I am glad that you and Akfaew are making these games possible - I will follow rules better from now on.
I am glad that you are trying understand it. Fighting for keeping rules up is not easy way, we have had so much mess here in previous games because nobody cares about rules that i dont want to do it any more.

Should i write step by step what was wrong with a situation (for future discussion about not knowing the rules) or situation is clear and we all know how to eat delegation system?

I remind it again: Delegation is for being offline for some time (couple of turns), it is not for giving to any one else for making moves on specyfic time in a turn, thats why we have created this thread for players to said that they are offline and for how long.

In my situation for eg. i prefer to know when Marduk will beck and get his empire for his own.

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:32 pm
by kull
I am going in vacations till the 19th August and i am going to delegate my nation to NeverMind.

See you all soon

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:16 pm
by pamplina
I will be on vacation from Aug 5th to 9th. Ifaesfu will take my delegation.