Chronicle of nation

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Chronicle of nation

Post by Archont »

So I found a new form of amusement coming from FreeCiv: I write a chronicle of my nation's successes and failures. It goes like this:
3950 B.C. - 14.XI.2012

Liechensteiner settlers found a nice place to build another town in Insel's interior. The city is named Vaduz and produces delicious wine. It is placed between the forest of Gruenwald and Lange Gebirge range. Behind those mountains is a valley with rich soil suitable for wheat fields, so people of Vaduz should not afraid food shortages though the area is devoid of current water. There is also plenty of game in the area and, what is the most important, gold deposits.

Our explorer sent to us maps of rich river valley in the north. Wheat, silk, red turf and even peat was found there. With no barbarian interference the people of Vaduz will be able to build a colony there in the near future.

A missionary from north visited the port of Schaan. He told us he is a subject of Templar Knigths. He praised the faith in One True God Akfaew and tried to convert our Prince and some of His people to it. But, of course, every civilized man knows already that there is one true God and that Her name is Eris Kallisti Discordia. So, though the missionary was really wordy, he did not obtained any effects and finally, in anger, called us infidels. Oh, those funny barbarians.
- and so on, every game event described. Of course on such an early game stage I describe same pierdoły, but this obviously will change in the future, when I make first contacts with other nations and diplomacy will come into play. I am going to carry it on until I will stay in game (hopefully 'till the last turn).

I wonder if Longturn could host this chronicle as a separate website somehow bound to my account. Could it?
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Post by monamipierrot »

Archont wrote:I wonder if Longturn could host this chronicle as a separate website somehow bound to my account. Could it?
In the old Longturn site there were an entire section about "History", along with a system for subdivide in chapters and post images. Most of history accounts ended early because of lack of time and because of boredom. Anyway I really long it cause I kept some notes about my previous LT games: LT29 (about the Cubans, who succesfully civilized the world with peace, progress and socialism - expecially socialism) and LT30 (about the Navajo, who came from the rainbow in a valley full of buffalos and ended up fighting for the land the bad pale men wanted to steal them).
Now I play with the Templars. My I leave you a small censored glimpse of my notes:

"...Therefore the Lord God sent them forth from the garden of Eden. He drove out the knights; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
And here we are, willing to come back to the light of God. Meanwhile we are in a [censored]in the [censored] corner of this valley of tears, ehr... I mean, in this big island in a ocean of tears.
[censored] there’s 2 springs of a river which continues further [...]"
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Post by Archont »

Kryon, I will keep this in mind.
Archont wrote:I wonder if Longturn could host this chronicle as a separate website somehow bound to my account.
monamipierrot wrote:Most of history accounts ended early because of lack of time and because of boredom.
So the answer is "no"?
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Post by monamipierrot »

Archont wrote:So the answer is "no"?
Ask the admins. I repeat, I long the History section and I like the involvement it requires.
Of course nobody would want to ruin the game by leaking valuable info about you or other nations. And if you had some, and wanted to leak it, there's more profitable ways to sell it inside the game!
Anyway, a history section could be rethinked of by scratch to allow external readers to enjoy it in a more structured shape.
E.g. he should be able to read ALL reports from a given year, or period, or topic (e.g. #1stWW, #DefeatOfTheRomanEmpire, #Renaissance, #DDay, etc...) in one, as well as reading all reports from a given player, as it was before.

I propose to set a forum thread dedicated to game announcements and "Historian publishes" stats. Everyone who see ones (you have to be online during the TC in which it occurs) should take care of posting it as a courtesy to other players (I always did in LT29 and LT30 when I could). One day HistorianPublishes will be part of the History of that game.
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Post by mrsynical »

I would guess the answer is unlikely rather than no. It look over 6 months to get a game started so time is precious.

Can't you keep your own posts, then post them all at the end of the game (or when you feel fit to release it on the forum).
Archont wrote:Kryon, I will keep this in mind.
Archont wrote:I wonder if Longturn could host this chronicle as a separate website somehow bound to my account.
monamipierrot wrote:Most of history accounts ended early because of lack of time and because of boredom.
So the answer is "no"?
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