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LT51 - Game Over - Team Privateers Victory

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 2:24 am
by kevin551
My opponents Team Privateers has won.
Thanks to everyone for making this game fun.
The 8 winners are Cgalik, Hans, Louis, Dim, Sokrat, KamBLR, El_perdedor, Mooreinstore
Kryon took delegation of Artificer a few turns ago, so is not included in this list of the winning team.

Congratulations to my team the Freebooters for playing well and coming 2nd in this not very long game.

This post has been made on T99 of the game while all players are still alive.
To end the game all 9 players on the Freebooters team must post their willingness to surrender here.
I have asked them to do so.

Given that the game will continue until all players have surrendered or are RIP, I will continue to play.
But I will not attack enemy units and will move all my land troops back to my home cities, with possible exception below.
My navy will continue to roam, but will not attack enemy units.

As team captain I will continue to support any player on my team who actually states they want to fight on until their end.
I will keep my units in these cities but will not use them to attack enemy units.
Am hoping this is not the case, but there is one player on our team who did not yet agree.

Here are the individual scores as of the posting of this announcement.


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:39 am
by Zamolxis
Thanks for the game.
I agree to surrender and recognize the superiority of our opponents in this game (and why not, our inferiority...)
I'll continue to play until all of us agree upon.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:42 am
by Hans_Lemurson
I was surprised that the surrender came on the very turn of Zamo's invasion (nice move, by the way!), but I can understand.

The nearly uncontested ownership of the Poles that the Freebooters were able to achieve created a potentially interesting dynamic, but I think the gains from that were going to be too little, too late.

I think that the best the Freebooters could have achieved at this point would have been to fight a war of attrition and harassment against the peripheral Privateers while Slovakia marched inexorably towards nuclear weapons.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 2:14 pm
by chill
I also concede defeat and congratulate the Privateers on their victory.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:24 pm
by soon
Congrats Privateers. Defeat conceded.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:34 am
by zoe
Team Privateers was better than us, congratulations! I also concede defeat.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:43 pm
by xandr
Good game team Privateers, I gambled with my defenses and lost, great timing and execution by Louis!

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:48 am
by cgalik
All players have surrendered or been killed. Here's the scores as of T106 when sigur was RIP'd:

Thanks to Kevin551 for the rematch and dealing with all my crap. :)

MVP was louis94 who's marine attack on xandr took several cities including his cap with no counter attack. He ended with the highest score and rightfully so!

Runner up was Hans_Lemurson who was an idler replacement and reorganized some cities on his island and took over 3 enemy islands! These were the only islands that were completely overtaken in the whole game.

This was another solid game with no exploits. Thanks to wieder for a solid LT Freeciv ruleset.
kevin551 wrote:Congratulations to my team the Freebooters for playing well and coming 2nd in this not very long game.
LOL! Yes, all the Freebooters played honorably. Something I can't say I did after I flew in marines in Zamo's last attack that started 46 minutes after TC. I ask your forgiveness Zamolxis. That happened to us last game and that's no fun at all. My bad.

I look forward to the re-rematch this fall. :)

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:59 pm
by cgalik
