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How to install new graphics

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:45 am
by Wahazar
Although it is possible to play on server with augmented2 ruleset while using standard iso-hex tileset, installing augmented2 modpack for local client is recommended, sue to amount of new units, buildings and terrain extras.
The easiest way is to use Freeciv Modpack Installer (bundled in standard Windows version of freeciv, or in case of linux use tools/freeciv-mp-gtk3 or freeciv-mp-qt),
following path must to be copied and pasted as a Modpack URL:

Code: Select all
Another method is just manually download ruleset from and unpack it to the freeciv data dir.
Properly installed modpack should add two additional tilesets: augmentedi (standard one) and augmentedis (small, trident-like tiles).

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 8:27 pm
by Wahazar
Here are some details, how to install augmented2 graphics using freeciv modpack installer.
Windows distributions have already included this tool:


and when it is launched, URL from previous post should be pasted:


press install and done - now if server suggest using augmentedi tileset, press Load Tileset.
With augmentedi modpack properly installed and tileset chosen, Tribe unit should looks like:
Image - if there is a single barbarian, something goes wrong.

If you are using Linux distro, you should have modpack installer in freeciv/tools directory,
for example tools/freeciv-mp-gtk3 or tools/freeciv-mp-qt

In case of lack of these executables, you need to recompile freeciv:

Code: Select all

./configure  --enable-fcmp=yes --enable-ruledit=no
and then run modpack installer.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:43 pm
by pheeraider
I also noticed that if you have been playing this some months ago, the modpack might have been updated since then, and the above needs to be redone to your client.

My freeciv-gtk clients showed the new tiles wooded hills as ordinary hills and mangrove forests as standard forests. At least woodd hills Seem to be great before mines are available!