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Idler spots available

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 3:07 pm
by wieder
If you didn't join LT50 when it started, no worries! You can still join and it's only T3 for about 60 hours.

Reply here or contact me on discord if you want to take an idler.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 6:55 pm
by wieder
We are starting to run low on idler spots but some are still available :)

LT50 is a nice game and it's easy to catch up even if you start late.

We have the best currently running multiplayer game available.

We even have the competitive way for stealing techs and a mid game scoring system. Not a team player and want to play lone wolf? LT50 is the place for you! Here the coalition of eternal newcomers can't beat you if you are good enough. However, you actually need to be good enough :D

You don't want to play the end game but want a compete with the others? No problem! We now have the mid game scoring any player with espionage can trigger!

There is even one (yeah, really 1) hut somewhere! :)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 6:11 pm
by wieder
The nations have been created. I've delegated Egyptian Aran (user stinkfist) to you

When you login on LT50 write on the main chat

/take stinkfist

We may change the player name for you at a later time. It's more effort so it's not done that often.

About LT51... The team captains will decide but I think all active players (who respond to chat) will be included. Join our discord server for more info.