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Server crashes

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:19 pm
by det0r
I am getting bored of having to play the same turn twice, especially considering it takes around 30 - 60 min to make my moves. If the server is going to keep crashing then I propose we end this game.

dude - I saw one of the crashes was caused by using the /remove command, what about the other crashes? Do you think there will be many more?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:40 am
by det0r
Yeah I realise that you're not trolling us by restarting the server dude.

I'm just wondering if the game has got to the point where there are regular crashes (I have previously played single player games where this sort of thing happens late game), or whether they are being caused by infrequent things you have to do (but they can be avoided 'in theory').