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Idea to make Kings relevant

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:42 pm
by Lord_P
So we voted not to have kings in LT30, which is not suprising as in thier current form they dont add much to the game. Just a unit that is kept in a well defended city and may be useful for watching a border with extended vision.
I agree that the king should not have any attack ability himself but historically many kings led from the front and made thier armies more effective through strategic leadership. (Think Hannibal, Alexander, Napoleon etc..)
So, I dont know if any of these things are possible to implement in freeciv but my suggestions are as follows:

-Disable killstack for units in the same tile as the king. This will allow each player to have ONE large army of combined unit types. Kind of like a mobile fortress without the defence bonus and a bit like the Great Leader unit in later versions of CIV.

-Give ATTACK bonus to units on kings tile and maybe advantages against cities such as ignoring city walls. The idea being that when there is a stalemate between nations with fortified borders there is always the option to break through if a player is willing to risk the ultimate defeat of losing thier king.

-Link corruption to the location of the king instead of (or in addition to) the location of the palace. So if King Richard is away fighting in the crusades then his country will suffer economically.

This would make the game much more dynamic with Royal/National armies moving around. However the strong advantages that the king gives should be balanced by the risk of ultimate defeat if the kings army is eliminated (So no extra defence bonuses) and an economic consequence of the king being too far from home.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:25 pm
by Joe9009
Lord_P wrote: So if King Richard is away fighting in the crusades then his country will suffer economically.

This would make the game much more dynamic with Royal/National armies moving around. However the strong advantages that the king gives should be balanced by the risk of ultimate defeat if the kings army is eliminated (So no extra defence bonuses) and an economic consequence of the king being too far from home.

This is interesting, But it sounds like alot of work for the coders. I like the no extra defense but the exception could be while he is in Capital it can't be game over if he is killed, you know what if he has a baby to lead the masses that pops up in new capital when he dies in old Capital. Or you could get really crazy and say if he left his Capital there is a increasing chance that his child will not be his and thus his kingdom would die with him. Wow I bet that would be fun to code