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Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 12:44 pm
by wieder
Dear ifaesfu,

There are other recommendations in the rules besides that one asking you to log out. For example, does everyone here use Jabber?

"Use of Jabber is recommended (GoogleTalk is Jabber). You should also have an account on the forum."

I don't see any problems with anyone of my guests entering my house with their muddy shoes on as long as they don't spold the floor or anything else. I don't also see any problems with anyone doing the 24/7 as long as they don't do RTS if that is forbidden in the rules. I really think it would be sensible to begin with forbidding the RTS and then thinking about ways to prevent that if and when people want to play dirty. I have proposed a couple of ways to do that and I think those could be implemented with a minimal amount of work.

The time limit is a solution to this but it won't still provide a full protection against RTS. We will see (or read) how that works with the eXperimental game. However I would like to see an educated guess or just some hints about how the limit will change as the game proceeds. I know, I have been using a way too much time for LT30, but at one point when I was behind an slow connection and I had huge amounts of units/cities/whatever to take care of, it took nearly 4 (!!!) hours to do my moves. Luckily I had the luxury of handling some other matters while I was playing but still, that didn't slow down my game and I really needed that time.

Sorry if I sound like I was attacking on you of something like that. I'm not. I just want to talk this out since Longturn is doing wonderfull job in generall and I want to contribute in the discussion. Yeah, referring to the rules has become a joke and everyone (ok, some of us) is blaiming others for unsporty actions.

There will allways be possibilities for loopholes. One complaint was that there were one too large alliance against some pleyers. Limitting the alliance size and preventing tech trading between unallied players makes things a bit harder but still gives you reasonably easy ways of trading techs between two or more alliances. Sorry, that was a bit OT but unfair amount of players was one thing that seemed to matter.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 6:29 pm
by wieder

Yeah, make the rules to be real rules and not just suggestions. They just confuse everyone.