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Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:14 am
by NeverMind
Increasing MP for building fortresses so that even the most vet worker can't build it in 1 turn won't help?
Sorry if it's a stupid question, I'm playing the game for 1st time, I'm just learning...

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:50 am
by edrim
NeverMind wrote:Increasing MP for building fortresses so that even the most vet worker can't build it in 1 turn won't help?
Sorry if it's a stupid question, I'm playing the game for 1st time, I'm just learning...
But more "v" workers will be able to build it, you can still use more workers to finish it in one turn.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:57 am
by edrim
mrsynical wrote:
wieder wrote: Of course it would be possible to randomize the TC even more. Making it to happen in +-5 hours and making the turns 25h instead if 23h. That way a turn would be something between 20 hours or 30 hours. But would that be convenient?
Hmm. I always thought of shortening each TC, but I think increasing the average turn and increasing the randomness is the correct way to proceed. You want to force people to make their pre-turn moves well before TC if they want to guarantee the action. We should also somehow be stricter on restricting time on line especially before a turn.
Simple - make waiting time 23h, reset all unsued moves after TC - then you will need do all your moves by goto order. When you did not make goto moves then you will need to do this goto moves for next turn, LOL. Diplomats will be off the system of delayed moves or switched off in rulesets.

If anybody will make a good system without easy to catch bugs i will vote for them to pass it for one game. But please try to make it in regular way in all features not only - lets change one settings maybe it will help, because it wont help. This is to complicated to solve it by one setting.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:45 am
by kevin551
The game has now finished and from my perspective the fortress bug made little difference.
Turn Change exploits were only relevant at the start. And not that much.
By the end restrictinfra was unimportant.

The pre-fortress feature that allowed borders was used far more as originally intended than as a TC exploit.
It allows one allied neighbour to reclaim a tile taken by an adjacent bigger city.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:58 am
by edrim
We have fixed prefortress by a way you gave us. It is working as was invented now.