The winning conditions for LT36.
Only players with alive nations can be counted as winners. The status for that can be seen from the nations list meaning that even one remaining unit is enough.
1) The old school way of winning: If the game is won before anyone gets electricity and builds Atlantic Telegraph Company (giving the player an embassy with everyone) at most 30% of the players can win. The max number of winners is calculated from the number of players starting the game. In this case the players can claim victory on the forum and the claim will be invalid if someone objects in less than a week. If an alive nation objects the vicrory post is no longer valid. With 34 players the max number of winners would be 10.2 and this is always rounded up meaning that with 10.2 there would be max 11 winners and with 9.1 or 9.9 there would be max 10 winners.
2) Once someone has built the Atlantic Telegraph Company the winners will be decided with in-game score. Anyone alive can make the winning post. This is called the winning post for historical reasons but it's effectively a declaration to end the game. This must be done on the forum. All the alive players with at least 40% of the highest game score will be winners. In this case the players can claim victory on the forum and the claim will be invalid if someone objects in less than a week. If an alive nation objects the vicrory post is no longer valid.
3) The space race victory will result ending the game when the ship arrives to the destination. In this case winners are those who have at least 40% of the highest score. The nation succeeding with the space race will be one of the winners even if the 40% score limit is not reached. With the space race victory the game will be a tie for those (alive) players with at least 30% of the max score but also less than 40% of the max score. In the unlikely event that the game says more than 1 ship made it at the same turn all the nations succeeding with the space race victory will be counted as winners.
4) There is a turn limit. The game will end at the beginning of T250 if it has not ended before that. If that happens 40% of the players with the max score will be counted as winners.
If all of the remaining players agree to the winning post there is no wainting time and the game will be ended in the beginning of the next turn.
The game can end with a tie if all players have either accepted defeat or they agree to give up. This must be done on the forum. If the game can’t be continued because of some technical reason for 90 days, it will be a tie for everyone.
The final scores are calculated from the time when the game is ended. Not from the time when the winning post is made. If for some reason (bug on the game or something like that) it wouldn't be possible to get a score after the space race victory the final scores will be calculated from the last possible status.
If a nation is delegated for more than 14 turns in a row or more than 30 turns total the admins can replace the original player with a new player. The nation of the players who have ended playing can be given to new players. This can be avoided with a valid and good enough explanation and it's not a hard limit.
Have fun and remember that the enemy of this game may be your ally in the next game. And stuff