In a fresh installation of Debian 8 (Jessie) we see that 2.4.3-3 is available. But installing and trying to connect to a 2.3.x longturn server we get:
This client missed a capability that the server wants
So we need a way to install 2.3.x .
From the PTS page of freeciv we see that oldstable has 2.3.2
From the Debian Releases page we see that oldstable was wheezy
# su //change to root
# cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
# nano wheezy.list // we could use an online source generator like to help us but i see is not update now, but it will help to have sth to work on . In my case , and choosing Greece for the repository mirror i get the following (i just had to change stable to wheezy)
deb wheezy main
deb-src wheezy main
# apt-get update // update package info , we can do that also from aptitude
If we try to search for freeciv in aptitude we still dont see the oldder version we want (maybe that could be changed by a setting ? ) but from the shell :
# apt-get -V -twheezy install freeciv-client-gtk
and we see that the list of packages about to be installed is the rigth one. We confirm and after the installation the freeciv 2.3.2 is installed.
As a precaution i personally try to inactive wheezy.list to avoid possible messing with my stable debian system.
# cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
# mv wheezy.list wheezy.list-NO
and now after an # apt-get update we get the message:
N: Ignoring file 'wheezy.list-NO' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
Install older versions of freeciv in Debian 8 (Jessie)
everything else
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