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Cargo Aircraft available with Cargo Aviation

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:55 pm
by wieder
This airplane is also able to move Triremes and Coastal Transports making the enemy rivers vulnerable even in the late game.

name = _("Cargo Aircraft")
class = "Air"
tech_req = "Cargo Aviation"
obsolete_by = "None"
graphic = "u.cargoair"
graphic_alt = "u.bomber" ; backwards compatibility
sound_move = "m_awacs"
sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
sound_fight = "f_awacs"
sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
build_cost = 260
pop_cost = 0
attack = 0
defense = 3
hitpoints = 30
firepower = 1
move_rate = 28
vision_radius_sq = 96
transport_cap = 1
fuel = 2
uk_happy = 0
uk_shield = 1
uk_food = 0
uk_gold = 1
cargo = "Land", "Small Land", "Big Land", "Big Siege", "Merchant", "Non Military", "Trireme"
flags = "Unbribable"
roles = ""
helptext = _("\
The Cargo Aircraft is an airplane with an exceptionally high range while caarying \
a heavy cargo. It is able to transport a wide range of units able to surprise your enemy. \
This exceptionally heavy airplane has no offecive capabilities but is able to defend.\

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 6:56 pm
by Corbeau
I think being able to transport ships is a bit too much.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 8:44 pm
by Wahazar
Idea with river transport is very good, but transporting it by aircraft is not only unrealistic, but in my opinion it would make general tacitcs and strategy 'flat'.
Besides this, what about encapsulating units - not sure if loaded boat can be loaded to another unit?

I have another proposal - some kind of patrol boat, a4d3, can use both deep ocean or rivers and carry one small land unit.
Large river transporter should be limited to continent.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:37 pm
by wieder
Yeah, we can remove the ability to transport trireme class ships.

So, the new ship could be called patrol boat or landing craft?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:50 am
by Sketlux
I would suggest both. A torpedo boat for patrolling and attacking ships (little defence, no transport cap.) and a landing craft with some basic attack and defense (imagine it has a machine gun and a little cannon to protect itself). Torpedo boat graphics are ready, landing craft only needs graphics for Amplio.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:47 pm
by Corbeau
If there is any way to prevent movement ending with bombardment, a bombard_rate=1 and attack=100 would serve the purpose perfectly: hit and run tactics, harassment, scouting etc.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:15 am
by Corbeau
Ok, masters of offtopic hit again. I saw something posted soewhere, but I don't know where it was so I'll reply here.

I don't think any cargo plane should be able to carry any kind of ship except small rubber boats that can carry infantry or non-combat units such as spies, diplomats and explorers. Maybe settlers.

Rubber boats should be a separate unit, attack=0 (for obvious reasons) so id tehy are loaded with something, the carried unit is actually doing the defence.