The changes to the ruleset for LT36

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The changes to the ruleset for LT36

Post by wieder »

LT36 uses Freeciv 2.5 Civ2Civ3 based ruleset that's modified for Longturn.

For checking the base ruleset, see how Civ2Civ3 was designed for Freeciv 2.5.

Here are the changes made to that ruleset. Some changes are not mentioned independently like the changes to the moves. In most cases there are 3x moves and the exceptions to that should be mentioned here.

This list should be correct but there may be mistakes. If you want to be sure please check the actual ruleset on git. Also please report about errors.

The winning conditions for this game will be released shortly. This is about the ruleset.


Aqueduct costs 40 instead of 60
Barracs I cost 60 instead of 30
Upkeep for barracks I is 1
Coastal defence costs 30 instead of 60
Factory costs 100 instead of 140
Marketplace costs 50 instead of 60
Mfg plant costs 140 instead of 240
SDI defense costs 240 instead of 160
Space component costs 480 instead of 320
space module costs 120 instead of 80
space structural costs 10
university costs 100 instead of 120
Apollo program is now a small wonder
A. Smiths costs 700 (was 800)
Colossus costs 80 (was 200)
Colossus is a small wonder (was world wonder)
Copernicus' Observatory is a small wonder (was world wonder)
Copernicus' Observatory costs 100 (was 300)
Cure for cancer costs 600 (was 1000)
Great library costs 300 (was 400)
Great wall costs 5000 (was 300)
Hanging gardens is a small wonder (was world wonder)
Hoover Dam is 6000 (was 600)
Isaac Newton's College costs 600 (was 400)
JS Back's cathedral costs 300 (was 400)
King Richards crusade is a small wonder (was world wonder)
Leonardo's Workshop is a small wonder (was world wonder)
Leonardo's Workshop costs 350 (was 400)
Lighthouse is a small wonder (was world wonder)
Magellan's Expedition is a small wonder (was world wonder)
Manhattan Project costs 1500 (was 600)
Marco Polo costs 600 (was 200)
Marco Polo increases trade 30% for everyone (did reduce the price of techs others had)
Trade Company is a new great wonder only Longturn has.
Trade Company can be only built by the player who owns Marco Polo
Trade Company costs 120 (no earlier cost since this is a LT specific wonder)
Trade Company gives the player and only the player owning it 10% boost to trade.
Marco Polo and Trade Company not obsoleted with any tech
Atlantic Telegraph Company costs 300
Atlantic Telegraph Company is a small wonder and it requires electricity
Atlantic Telegraph Company gives the player an embassy with every nation and will not be obsoleted
Michelangelo's chapel is a small wonder (was world wonder)
Michelangelo's chapel costs 800 (was 400)
Mausoleum of Mausolos costs 180 (was 200)
Statue of Zeus costs 150 (was 200)
Statue of Zeus is a small wonder (was world wonder)
Temple of artemis is a small wonder (was world wonder)
Temple of artemis costs 90 (was 200)
Pyramids is a small wonder (was great wonder)
Pyramids cost 100 (was 200)
Internet costs 3200 (was 600)
Statue of Liberty costs 8000 (was 400)
Sun Tzu's War Academy is a small wonder (was great wonder)
Sun Tzu's War Academy costs 600 (was 300)
United Nations cost 6000 (was 600)
Women's Suffrage is a small wonder (was great wonder)
Women's suffrage costs 1200 (was 600)
Courthouse costs 45 instead of 60


Nuclear power gives +3 moves to sea units (was +1)
Advanced flight give +9 moves to rockets (for example nukes) (was +8)
Monarchy base size is 20 (was 12)
Fundamentalism base size is 12 (was 20)
Factory gives +50% production bonus (was +25%)
All the granary effects now fill 50% of the foodbox when the city grows (Was 34 or 25% for bigger cities)
Mfg plant gives 50% production bonus (was 25%)
Power plants give 50% bonus (was 25%)
King Richard's give 1 free upkeep / city (was 2)
Leonardo's Workshop will upgrade 2 unist / turn (was 1 with Civ2Civ3 Freeciv2.5 but was 2 in the previous LT games)
Lighthouse gives 2 extra moves for ships
Lighthouse no longer makes veteran sea units
Magellan's expedition gives 2 extra moves for ships
Magellan's expedition requires navigation
Michelangelo's Chapel costing 600 instead of 800 on previous LT games
Mfg plant gives you a total of 4 build slots to a city (was 2)
Increased city working radius
No veteran levels are lost when upgrading a unit (was 1 level was lost)
Gold upkeep style is 1 (was actually 1 with civ2civ3 but was 2 with previous LT games. Changed because of an assertion warning)
Tech leakage 2 (rediced cost for every nation knowing the tech (was 1)
Tired attack = TRUE (was FALSE)
Base border radius from city 17 (was 5)
Tech upkeep divider 2000 (was 6000)
Citymindist = 4 (The minimum distance of cities was 3 with civ2civ3 but has been 5 with previous LT games except LT35 where it was

also 4)
Added 2nd palace costing 150
Added 2nd palace: no bribing of the city, no civil waw when conquered, reduces waste and corruption like the actual palace
No inciting cities for fundamentalism
No irrigation for cities on hills with a mine (only +1 food)


Transform results changed to original Freeciv classic. The same settings (with few fixes) we had with LT34 and LT35. Basically allows

the players to transform mountains into something else and change ocean into land or land into ocean. See game help for exact options.
Added pre-forts. You need to have pre-fort before you can build an actual fort.
Pre-forts do no change ownership of the tile
Maglev rails gives unlimited moves, with rails you still get limited but faster moves
There are always at least roads on cities even if the tech has not been discovered yet.
Big Siege units can move natively on: desert, grassland, plains, hills and tundra. Can't move elsewhere without roads
No pollution on ocean


Basically 3x moves for most of the units.
There are now 9 veteran levels (was 3 with civ2civ3 but we had 9 in the previous LT games)
Increased veteran raise chances for military units: 65%, 60%, 55%, 50%, 45%, 30%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 0% The fist is green and the last is Elite 3
Veteran power factors: 100%, 150%, 175%, 200%, 225%, 250%, 275%, 300%, 325%, 350% The fist is green and the last is Elite 3
Veteran move bonus giving the number of additional 1/3 moves: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13 The fist is green and the last is Elite 3
Added a new unit class for siege units (new for civ2civ3, we already had this in the previous LT games)
Merchant units have ZOC and can move on some terrain types without roads (moving without roads/rivers was not possible in the previous LT games)
Siege units can attack on non native tiles. May require keyboard commands for doing this! A client side restriction!
Settlers are NOT capturable
Settlers cost 3 population
Engineers cost 40 (was 30)
Phalanx costs 15 (was 20)
Legion is now called Swordsmen
Swordsmen are obsoleted by riflemen (were obsoleted by musks)
Pikemen cost 25 (was 30)
Musketeers no longer can attack from the sea (were able to do that in previous LT games and with civ2civ3)
Fanatics have attack and defense of 4 (was 5 and 5)
Fanatics no longer cost population
Paratroopers have a range of 15 (was 10) and this is not 3x as usual
Mech infantry costs 60 (was 70)
Horsemen cost 18 (was 20)
Elephants cost 20 (was 30)
Crusaders cost 25 (was 40)
Knights cost 25 (was 40)
Armor costs 80 (was 90)
Armor has attack of 8 and FP2. Was attack of 10 and FP2.
Armost has FP 1 (was 1 with civ2civ3 but was 2 in LT35)
Catapult, Cannon, Artillery and Howier now belong to the Big Siege units class.
Big Siege units can't be built as veterans
All big siege units will get double firepower when attacking cities
Catapult costs 30 (was 49)
Catapult has attack of 5 (was 6)
Catapult, cannon and artillery are capturable
Howizers are not capturable!
Howizer costs 70 (was 80)
Fighter costs 50 (was 60)
Fighter has a defense of 1 (was 2)
Fighter has 15 moves
Bomber has 24 moves
Helocopter costs 50 (was 70)
Stealth fighter has 25 moves
Triremes can now travel on rivers (was possible with civ2civ3 but not possible in the previous LT games)
Triremes will get obsoleted only after inventing transports (engineering)
Triremes cost 20 (was 40)
Caravel will cost 30 (was 40)
Galleon will cost 40 (was 50)
Frigate will cost 40 (was 50)
Ironclad will cost 55 (was 60)
Ironclad will have 11 moves (was 4 in civ2civ3 and was 12 in LT34 and previous games)
Destroyer will cost 60 (was 80)
Cruiser will cost 65 (was 90)
Cruiser has attack of 4 and defense of 8 (had attack and defense 6)
Aegis cruiser will cost 75 /was 100)
Battleship will cost 150 (was 160)
Battleship will have attack and defense of 18 (were both 12)
Battleship will have firepower of 2 (was 1)
Submarine will cost 50 (was 70)
Submarine will have defense of 4 (was 5) and attack will remain 12
Transports needed for moving big siege units
Cruise missile will cost 20 (was 40)
Cruise missile is less powerful (attack was 18, is now 10)
Cruise missile will have 9 moves (was 12 with civ2civ3) meaning no 3x moves
Diplomats and Spies are not partially invisible as they are with civ2civ3
AWACS will have 35 moves (was 16) meaning no full 3x. About 40 moves + elite 3 promotion is the max the game can use with these settings
LT Specific Fision units: Fusion fighter (38 moves), battleship and armor. See the game help. You can build these after getting the full tech tree.
Frigates will be obsoleted by destroyers


Landmass 35
750 land tiles / player
Sciencebox = 90 (All techs will cost 80% of the original cost)
Switching the research target will cot 10%
All the players begin the game on one continent and there *should* be empty islands and a continent taking about 30-40% of the land area.
Air lifting is allowed to allies.
Air lifting allows unlimited number of units to dest city and one unit / from source city / turn
There is no tech trading
Techs can be stolen (5% chance with a spy or a diplo if there are no defending diplos or spies)
Techs can be stolen by conquest (10% chance for that to happen if the city is conquered)
The cost for giving gold is 10%
Citymindist is 4 meaning that there needs to be 3 tiles (any direction) between the cities and the new city can be found on the 4th tile (This was 5 on LT34 and 4 on LT35)
Caravans can't establish trade routes (was like this in the pervious LT games)
Space race victory is enabled and the game will end if a space ship reaches the target
There is no rapture growth
There are no huts and no barbarians
Revolution length is 2 turns
There is a 10% chance a building will get destroyed if a city is conquered
Base chance for diplomacy is 50%
Halved the probability of civil wars. See the game help
Gold upkeep style = 1
Start units: 6 settlers, 5 workers and an explorer

Here is a corrections list. Stuff that was fixed to this post. There may be some small changes before the game starts but no changes to the game after that.

The corrections:
Settlers are NOT capturable. They were listed to be capturable but they are really not.
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Post by Xercise »

Thanks, Wieder... I just asked about this at the same time you posted it in this thread!
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Post by wieder »


There are lots of stuff changed for this game and even with this list there will be some surprises because of the new Freeciv version. I will also try to update the highlights post we had. However even with that there are lots of changes and it may be a good idea, also for me, to check this list once in a while.
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Post by cgalik »

Restrict enemy infrastructure I assume is enabled?

I think preforts should change ownership of tile.

I think catapults should stay at 6 attack.

I like civil war percentages where they were, as you should pretext your capital!

Otherwise this could be a very long game. lol
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Post by wieder »

All the changes listed here are in contrast to Freeciv 2.5 based cuv2civ3. The cataoults already had attack of 5 in LT34 and LT35. That was compensated by making them citybusters.

Restrictinfra in on. I'll recheck that.

Removing the ownership from pre-forts was a highly requested feature. I'll check if that's compensated enough.

The change with the civil war is a major change but if the game lasta more than 120 turns there should be advanced techs able to seriously challenge anyone not advanced enough. I'll check also this. The idea is to remove sudden deaths or limit that but also enable reasonably fast wars.
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Post by cgalik »

wieder wrote:The catapults already had attack of 5 in LT34 and LT35. That was compensated by making them citybusters.
Ahh sorry forgot about that. Thanks!

wieder wrote:Removing the ownership from pre-forts was a highly requested feature.
Yeah and I highly request it not be enabled. otherwise preforts do nothing? If attacking the enemy, you first have to build a prefort, lose the worker/engineer to battle, and it buys you nothing that turn? Kind of lame, but nice to have less TC attacks.
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Post by wieder »

The pre-fort without talkng ownership really does nothing and is kind of lame, true. It's really one less feature the players can use fot TC attacks and while it's probably slowing down things, there should weapons for ending the game.

This will also be very different game as far as alliances are concerned. There is really no allied victory. The winners will be based on game score. I'll make a post about that very soon but it's basically going to be like this:

This means that there is no allied victory unless the alliance can give the alliance members enough score. This may be a game ended by a space race victory.

If all of this doesn't work well we can of course return to the old but it's a good time to try something new and this should give both the the lone wolfs allied players a good chance.

If anyone has questions, please ask as soon as possible :)
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Post by Drew »

I think I like the idea of preforts not changing the tile ownership, since this is a big way in which TC attacks are performed. Even though I myself was guilty of a few TC preforts in LT35, I would like to see less TC action. There were too many turns in a row where I felt like I needed to be logged on at TC to prevent the enemy from building preforts next to our cities and it became tiring.

Ideally we could have something like a 10 hr (or more) wait period before ownership of the tile changes, but I assume this would require some coding. Alternatively it could be interesting to set killstack off so that it wouldn't be as difficult to to fortify a few units where you want to build a fort. And coupled with Corbeau's idea of making seige units bombarders (to prevent abuse of killstack off), might make for interesting battles. However maybe this is best left for an experimental game.
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Post by cgalik »

This won't stop TC preforts, just make you do them two turns in a row. :)

My solution to TC attacks is if *any* of your units move before TC you have the 10 hour wait period, instead of just this one unit. This will be a problem when planes automatically return home at the end of the turn. Then if you move right before TC you have to wait 10 hours before you can attack.

But anyways, my real preference is restrict enemy infrastructure is off, which gives lots of action. :)
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Post by Corbeau »

cgalik wrote:This won't stop TC preforts, just make you do them two turns in a row. :)
It doesn't solve the problem completely, but it solves it in great part.
But anyways, my real preference is restrict enemy infrastructure is off, which gives lots of action. :)
... and turns Civilization into a game of Risk, only with techs.
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Post by wieder »

There will be lots of coastal cities and ships have a bigger role in this game. That should give us lots of action and dangerous situations but it will also require new strategies :)
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